Tag Archives: mr gum and the biscuit billionaire

Book review: Mr Gum and The Biscuit Billionaire by Andy Stanton

Image of Mr Gum and The Biscuit Billionaire by Andy Stanton

“The heroes are a strange mix of characters and the villains are disgusting, greedy, smelly and rancid.”

This wasn’t the first Mr Gum book that was written by Andy Stanton but it was the first one that we ever read.

We’ve had this book for ages, but the reason we wanted to review it is that it is still one of our favourites and we love the audio book which Andy Stanton reads so much that we want to tell as many parents and kids as we can before half term.

Mum bought the two together when we were going on a long car journey and it is still our favourite thing to listen to.

Why do we love Mr Gum and The Biscuit Billionaire so much?

Well Piggle and me will try to explain…

Piggle: “Mr Gum is a filthy dirty, nasty old beardy man who has a horrible friend called Billy Williams the Third. They are always cross about things and so do horrible things to people like tripping them up off their skateboards and serving them up nasty meat from the butcher shop.

There is a bunch of heroes in the story who have to beat Mr Gum and Billy Williams who are trying to steal a biscuit tin of money from a Gingerbread Man. Some are human like Polly (a little girl) and Friday O’Leary (a grown up man) and others are creatures like Alan Taylor (a Gingerbread Man) and Spirit of the Rainbow (we’re not really sure if he is a little boy or sort of a god).

It’s a brilliant story and the pictures are great. It’s really weird and strange the first time you read or listen to it but when you read or listen to it again it makes much more sense. It frightened me a bit when I was smaller but in a nice way.”

Image of kid holding a poster saying it was the hotdog man all along
Grub: “The audiobook is absolutely amazing and makes any car journey fly by. We know it almost by heart now and love the brilliant words, songs and phrases in it such as “He was the Hot Dog Man all along” “That little tungler’s as rich as a mushroom” “funty” and “shenanigans!”.

The heroes are a strange mix of characters and the villains are disgusting, greedy, smelly and rancid. The pages of the book look like they have put there mucky fingers all over them. It’s the best of all the Mr Gum books by far.

We’d recommend this book to anybody over 5 who likes a strange stories that are a bit weird but funny and like reading about kids who can overcome adult baddies. Don’t read this if you don’t like disgusting meat or bad smells.

Note from Wiggle: The audio book is genuinely funny and as enjoyable for adults as it is for the kids. You’ll need a strong stomach…..”Come closer to the onions…..”

Bookworms out of 10: 10 out of 10

You’ll love this book if you like: Any of the Mr Gum books or Mr Stink by David Walliams

Reviewed by: Piggle and Grub

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